One of the most powerful things I have read. Should be the front page of the internet. I wish I was as educated, profound, well-spoken and well-written as you. I'm just smoking cigarette butts I found in the gutter before coming in and I'm not sure if I even have enough change to pay for this bowl of infantile alphabet soup... but that's been what I've had and worked with. I'll never understand cryptocurrency, but Mr. Misang's art makes the streets of Neo Tokyo look clean.

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Thanks for the comment maaaan- you're the only person paying attention to what I do these days it seems so thanks ^_^ What don't you understand about cryptocurrency? I can make an explainer thing

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You know I love you more than I'd like to get into or let you know. Hah.

I've looked into before. Remember I kept wanting to send you money. Kept beating that horse. I've looked up crypto but reading the Matrix would be easier, I think, or learning more how to run the terminal in Linux "sudo apt-get install nightmarepuppeteer" :)

The last time I looked into it I took from it that it costs money, it's like investments and stocks, etc. I don't know.

You're a really good teacher and can explain shit really well. It's one of the things that helped pull me into NP.

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Yeah searching crypto now would be mayhem with all the scams and bullshit trying to rope people in-

I mean its a new currency- like 20,000 of them haha-

Sorta like paypal except its not dollars and no one can ban/censor you from using it- not even the "bank" etc- on the flipside if you fuck up no one can help you either haha

It's really a tool of freedom- financial freedom and since most everything costs money it allows a person a lot of personal freedom-

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