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Well said, nicely put. Hopefully more find themselves here and take something from you. I followed the last link.

I got caught up in reading about the "Lincoln Assassination." It seems back then either you were insane, murdered or committed suicide, and not always in that particular order. It was a merry-go-round, everyone got their turn. One turn you might try to kill your kids, next turn you take the knife to your wife instead and then it's your turn and the knife is yours for keeps.

I recently heard someone say something from the Bible about there's nothing new under the sun. And having read some of what I read it sounds exactly like today. Most of us look back and think ahhh "simpler" times, (OK. I've only thought as far back to the baby boomer generation) what did they do? They were so bored without the internet. They threw what back and forth in the front yard!? A foot they used as a ball? WHAT!? They lived in outhouses, rain dripped through the ceiling, the floor creaked and ghost frogs croaked. "W-W-WHO'S THE-THE-THERE!? THE HORROR!" married their underage cousins "THE LUST OF FORBIDDEN AND UNRIPENED FRUIT!" who died playing hopscotch with her kids WHO WERE THE SAME AGE! AHHHHH! WAHH! AHH! It just cannot be!

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