Absolutely. The dawn of the golden age is upon us. I can feel everything coming together, and regular flows of creativity just overcoming me uncontrolably. There is a great plan in thenworks for everyone.

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Yeh man- its gonna be tough in the short term but I def feel like a shift happened

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I'm so used to the tough short terms that it's almost like nothing new. BRING ON THE GOLDEN SPHERE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC CODE FLOWIN THRU OUR ARTS!!!

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I could not agree more with this. I also feel it as do some others.

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Hey Cathy- I never you did music until last week when someone posted some of it on the IR discord- its so cool! Had a track on repeat for a few hours as I was working ^_^

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Thanks - yeah I do art, film and music - I also hand engrave glass and make ink, organic ink surfactant and pen & brush cleaner. I stay busy in my dotage. Busy illustrating a book right now and praying I finish it this year. https://www.cmralph.com/

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Awesome work in your archives!

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Thank you so much.

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