Single threadING kills MEH
So now my render computers are about 60 shots behind me... the thang thats makin em lag mostly is the plugin I use to generate the depth passes for compositing... when it calculates and processes the depth map its a single threaded operation... so it only uses one CPU... In 11.5 Cinema is pretty much multithreaded all around so it's really fast... and there are workarounds for things that are single threaded like hair.... I emailed the plugin developer about a multithreaded version and he said he was testing one... I hope he comes out with it soon 0_0
Because at this rate I'll finish animating the film in like 6 months... then it'll take another year to render 0_0
If sHET gets really bad I'll have to go into each shot and crank the detail down and remove thangs... the crazy detail thats in there now will probably never be noticed by anyone anyway haha... its just my tweaker perfectionist self thats all NO YOU NEED THAT.... yeh I have to remember that I'm just a d00d with limited hardware resources... if I had access to a real render farm with 50+ nodes it wouldn't be an issue at all..but I only have 4... haha... poor little thangs IM KILLIN EM 24/7Brought to you by professional weirdo M dot Strange.