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I'm working on a few crappy short animated projects right now and by crappy I mean I'm not putting any effort into the "art" of it... Just focusing on the gags and the direction/editing for some short things to throw up on youtube (throw up as in vomit)...
So when it comes down to building the sets and props...I really don't want to haha... So what I've been doing is using the Google 3d Warehouse for that stuff... there's TONS of set pieces and props to find there... NOW you can only use these in NONCOMMERCIAL projects so I wouldn't try to use them for your big film project you want to sell... but its fine for stuff like this...
I used this Bathroom set model from 3d Warehouse but I had to build Toilet Duck myself ^ ^ I'm also experimenting with using the Cinema 4d hardware render...which results in no render time for these cheapo short things... just trying to minimize the time and effort that go from STUPID IDEA----> FINISHED ANIMATED SHORT FILM... Sort of like how 2d animators use stick figures...
A lot of the models are downloadable in Collada format which most 3d apps can import... Some are also only in Sketchup format... so just download Sketchup for the model and export to Collada...
So if modeling is holding you back from realizing your ideas in 3d go check that warehouse! OR Charles Bronson will get you!
Brought to you by professional weirdo M dot Strange.