When the status quo is totally fucked-why should you do what it tells you?
A person's advice only goes as far as they have gotten...
Now let's say there's someone you know who is in bad health and obese that's trying to tell you what you should be doing for your health...
Obviously they are in bad health so why take their advice lest you end up like them?
If someone is an angry, miserable, bitter person and they are giving you advice on how to live your life and be happy... why should you listen?
Being an animator I'm pretty good at reading peoples body language and micro-expressions- and I've met plenty of miserable, unhealthy, fearful, dead inside fucks who have tried to tell me what I should be doing with my life... I never listened... and I never will ^_^
I've met many adults who portray themselves as if they have it all figured out... and I've met many adults that have a difficult time containing the desperate spasms of death, fear, misery and despair that creeps behind their eyes...
If you have found your passion and your true path... the world is WRONG and you are RIGHT.
In the end we're all alone... nothing and no one can help you but yourself... by following someone else's advice it doesn't give you some magical protection that will swoop down and save you if something goes wrong when following that advice...
There's so many bitter, miserable, sick fucking adults in this world- and many of them are in positions wherein they have the hopes and dreams of children in the palms of their hands... teachers, parents... and too many of these adults can't help but contain their malignancy and make a point of tainting children with it...
Why should we listen to our "elders" if these elders have built and maintained a sick, insane, corrupt, and nonsensical world? If they have built sick bodies and neurotic, fearful and miserable minds?
We shouldn't. Unless we want to be like them.
In the end of my last film Heart String Marionette- Samhaine Tsuke kills his father... his father had a machine.. a system that he used to turn children into monsters... that system was the media... Samhaine Tsuke's father Lord Wor was sick and his madness would never end until he was slain by his son...
So why do so many people just feel so compelled to give you "life advice" if you've veered from the usual path of the staus quo?
This is my theory... they all had hopes and dreams at some point in their lives... but they gave them up because they "weren't practical" or they were too "risky" or something like that... or they were forced into a situation that took their hopes and dreams away..... so maybe they gave up their hopes and dreams telling themselves that it was never possible anyway... that's the lie they told themselves to make themselves feel better... or maybe their dreams were snatched away... whatever the case they lost them at some point...
Instead of sucking it up and NOT pushing their poison on young people... they can't contain their rancor and it spills into the ears and minds of anyone who will take them seriously....
Now they see you... at a point in your life like they were once... now instead of wishing you good luck with your dreams they try to shoot them down because if they see you take a risk and attain your dreams they'll have to admit to themselves that they could have done the same thing and maybe they'd have a happier life now... and that makes them upset...it gives them regrets... so instead of facing a possible truth which hurts them...they try to hurt you and suck you into the mundane world of regret they live in... misery loves company.
Children usually trust their parents, teachers and elders... because they assume the adults know what their doing and have the kids best interests in mind... well now... look around peopleS... I hope you can see that the adults have no fucking idea what their doing and they never did... they simply followed the trail of the one before them... and its lead to a brick wall....bodies are droppin....
To change your experience and to change the world we all need to follow our own paths even if they may be in direct opposition with the direction you're "supposed" to move in according to the status quo... the world is upside down... it will right itself one day and we will look back and wonder how it ever got so totally fucked...
We may want to believe that our parents and our grandparents knew what they were doing and were on the right track... but they lacked access to the knowledge that we have now... now WE can see the truth... we can access and analyze the data..... so if we continue on the lost path they were on ....we truly deserve all the suffering that will befall us as we have no excuse. There's no excuse in being ignorant anymore.
If you've got a dream... if you've got a new way... if you have found a new path I say go for it... what's the worst that could happen? You might end up dead? Probably not... but that might now be as bad as becoming part of the living dead...
Living things are always changing... they are in a constant state of change...
If you fear change, you fear life... if you fear life, all you will find is death... your life will be you waiting for death.
So are you waiting for death? Are you waiting for life? How long are you willing to wait?
I've always believed that if you love something cherish it TODAY... if you love someone cherish them TODAY...
I love films... I love making films... so I'm going to do whatever I have to... to make films TODAY...
What do you love? Whom do you love? Why are you alive?
Answer those questions and get living today!
AND don't listen to me if you want to be rich or famous or own more than two pairs of pants cause I'm a "loser" according to the status quo... so don't take my advice as you might end up like me ^_^
My strategy is this... when the world rights itself and flips over after getting its priorities straight... those of us who are on the bottom now as "losers" because we value people, life, love, health, and sharing over materialism and selfishness....when the world flips back right side up then will then be the winners ^_^
There is no right way to live life... there is only YOUR way and someone else's... one size doesn't fit all.
When did listening to the voices of the status quo as they echoed through people you know ever make you TRULY happy? So why keep listening?
Brought to you by professional weirdo M dot Strange.