When BoreD...get a hobby...or get another one.
So a while back I decided if too many Friday nights went by with me being bored in this town I would start performing my music again... So yeh another boring Friday passes and I has decided to staRT performing live again ^ ^ Working on the film I reach a high level of excitement... then when I go outside to get fresh air and the like the lack of excitement in this city brings me down... so I will have to start doing crazy shows with me doing live electro+rapping+crazy visuals+standup comedy stupid routines... That part of myself is getting too powerful and I have to give him something to do... My friends band keeps they PA in my studio space so I have something to practice with...so odds are when HSM rolls into your town with me ...you can get further mindfucked by seeing my live show ^ ^
And it wouldn't be like some movie person deciding to make music...cause I've been putting out albums since 2000... The new songs I'm working on are "Pwn with a capital P" , "3 the soft way" and "Gay in a 1950's way" to go along with my old ones like "Powerglove Gangsta" and "Will you be my paypaL"Brought to you by professional weirdo M dot Strange.