What is success?
So far I've learned in my short career as a filmmaker that.... If a tree falls in a forest and there's no one around to market it.... it doesn't make a sound.
I was talking to a publicist- he was ready to do an introductory campaign for Heart String Marionette for $7500- I could have put it on a credit card but I didn't - but why? If that's how successes are made than why am I not willing to do that?
I don't really know the answer to that.
I make films because I have too... because something forces me too... I have a game project in progress as well as a novel... I moved away from those for the time being and jumped into a new film with I am Nightmare.
I WISH my passion was in line with something more marketable- but my strange introspective genre defying films it is- at a time where escapism and the desire to "turn off one's brain" IS STRONG I'm creating films that require thought and challenge the viewer... great choice Mike ^_^
You know sometimes I get hate mail/messages/comments wherein people tell me that I am failing and/or they hope that I fail- they often use the word "obscurity" - The thing I don't get is that I already am obscure and I'm fine with that- these people assume their definition of success is the same as mine.
In my definition- as long as I continue to create and complete my creations I am successful in what I choose to do.
So I say think twice before you accept someone else's definition of success...
Ok maybe I have some ideas as to why I'm fighting getting a publicist and doing that whole thing...
The status quo is built on lies... on controlling and manipulating information... on having supposed experts telling people what they are seeing and telling them how and what to think... So I have an aversion to telling people what to think or feel... I want them to make up their own minds... hence my non-existent marketing campaign haha
The status quo in America has brainwashed people into thinking that popular people and things are the best...better than less popular things/people... the highest grossing movies must be the best right?! Look at how much money they made?! I don't want to try and shine up my films to impress people- that doesn't get ME interested in films... its the comments and reviews of regular people that get me interested...
Maybe its just me being stubborn and wanting to do it my way- I want my films/audience to grow organically... not because I spammed social media and said "LIKE and FAV! PLEASE SUB/FOLLOW" I hate that shit...
Even if I had no audience I'd still make these films... as completing my films is success to me... is that success to other people? Maybe? Maybe not? But I'm not other people... I'm me.
I'm not trying to be the next *Insert popular person... I'm the first M dot Strange.
The status quo is collapsing around us so why would I join in now? To try and reach someone else's idea of success?
I'm travelling through the darkness now... I can't see a light at the end of the tunnel, no... but I've got a light inside of me that's guiding me along... as long as I follow that I can never go wrong.
Brought to you by professional weirdo M dot Strange.