Voices of HSM: Meet JP teh mophuCiN Genius ^ ^
One of the things I'm really excited about is the voice actors that are going to be in HSM...
So the first person you should meet is JP Anderson... known to peoples around the world through his amazinG band RABBIT JUNK... and also as the digital hardcore pioneer with his project... again, its amazing THE SHIZIT...he just released a new SHIZIT album and its is SO WIN go download it!
Here's the first SHIZIT video I saw..its an old one but I've been a fan ever since I saw this..
I've never met JP in person... I've just been a fan of his music in which he pretty much does everything himself and he like owns all other bands... and he's just one d00d ^ ^ Inspiring stuff... So yeh then I made that video for one of his RJ tracks
Yeh then I was listening to a new EP he put out in which he does a little voice acting and I was like I HAVE TO ASK HIM IF HE'll do a voice! I emailed him and much to my excitement he was into it ^ ^
So JP will be the voice of THE main character in the film and with his vocal flexibility and awesome DEATH screams I think his character will sound like nothing you've ever heard before in a film... so I'm really excited about it!
So yeh pleaS check out his music...most of it is available on Itunes and he offers tons of free downloads as well...
My thanks go out to JP for making such awesome music and for lending his mega vocal Skills to the film ^ ^Brought to you by professional weirdo M dot Strange.