THEM people got GUTS!
Ya know the saying "NO GUTS NO GLORY"....
Recently in a few places...the people got fed up with the regimes running they countries in opposition to the peoples interests and tried to say GTFO....
If you followed what went on in Iran with the people trying to end the reign of a President whose lies are really only believed by the older generation who watches TV and believes mass media lies... once those old people die... the younger people will rise again and topple that regime...
If you saw what happened in Tunisia where they DID get the shitty "leader" to get out NOT after he stole %30 of the countries gold... BUT he's gone...
And now what's happening in Egypt... those people are really brave! THEY'VE GOT GUTS! AND I APPLAUD THEM ALL!
When you get pushed so far against a wall... you can either roll over and die OR FIGHT and they are FIGHTING!
In all of those instances the government enlisted the countries military to fight or control the PEOPLE... WAIT whom does the government SERVE? Isn't it supposed to be for the people? YET the people are telling the leader to GTFO so instead of listening to the people he supposedly serves... HE enlists the military to CRUSH the people are try to get them to GO BACK TO SLEEP(curfew) THE MILITARY that the people PAY FOR?! The government who is PAID FOR by the PEOPLE?!
HOW did our world get so FUCKED?! Who was on watch?! Oh that's right everyone was watching TV...or arguing about this religion vs that religion... this sports team vs that sports team... this celebrity did that celebrity... this political party vs that political party.....meanwhile someone stole the world ....its called MISDIRECTION...
Our world is SO CORRUPT its totally FUCKING BACKWARDS and UPSIDE DOWN! AND if you can't see that it's because your head is either too far up your own ass or someone else's ^ ^
So in these time's ask yourself... WHOM DO YOU SERVE? and about the powers that be in your country... WHO DO THEY SERVE? WHO DO THEY ANSWER TOO? If the answer is not THE PEOPLE...then its time for them to GTFO!
If your in the U.S. or another "comfy" country and you say to yourself..."who cares what happens in x country... footballs on!"Your going to be in for a surprise cause people are going to revolt EVERYWHERE... I know I for one am SICK of being pimped by the banks here...and treated like a runaway slave by the police... and I know TONS of other people are as well...
The sooner all us common people in the world realize that we're all the same WHEN all political/religious/blah blah and other MISDIRECTION TACTICs to divide and conquer us are removed...the better... we want the same basic rights and freedom's...we don't want to be pimped or treated like slaves.... we want the government's we PAY for to serve us and our needs... and NOT turn the police and military against us when we want our concern's voiced...
When a system gets so fucked up... there's no use in trying to save it... you just gotta have GUTS and do something about it! SO take note of the brave people out there in the world taking theY destiny's into they own hands!
We ALL can do that IF we stick together and know thine enemY... the day will come... what will you do?
In the U.S. most all of the older gen's still believe the hype.... they still watch TV and believe the mass media lies or get caught up in they misdirection traps cause they didn't have the internet when they grew up...they didn't have a place to find truth except the "Associated Press" and aint much truth there...... BUT THOSE OF YOU WHO HAVE grown up with the internet...look around and pay close attention so when you grow up and are able to be the change you want to see in the world... you won't believe the lies and go back to sleep.... you'll do something about it!Brought to you by professional weirdo M dot Strange.