Thanks to the readers of my blog!
The few... the strange... the people who read this blog ^_^
Sometimes I forget who I am and why I do what I do so I'd thank to thank you all for reminding me of why you started coming around here in the first place...
I'd like to share a video Choo Bin Yong posted in the comments of the last post- as its very relevant to all of us who chase our dreams despite the fact that they make us broke for now ^_^
I made a new section of this site called "More Strange Creative People" in which I'd like to share YOUR projects with whomever visits this site- so if you have a project/site/video you'd like me to add to that page please email me your link/image(640 pixels wide)/or video link to and I'll add it to the page.
It's inspiring to see people out there doing their own original thing so if you feel like sharing your stuff send it to me!
I also added a little chat box to this site- you can find it on the bottom righthand corner- so maybe yall can make some strange friends around here ^_^Brought to you by professional weirdo M dot Strange.