Thanks for helping me through another year yaLLs
As another year comes to an end... I would like to thank you all for your continued support and patience with this guy in this room full of computers whose new film is taking FUCKING FOREVER to be released 0_o
You are the only people who support what I do... no film organizations... no arts agency... no management... no studio... nothing and no one except you, my few friends and lil family.... all so I'd like to say thanks to you for sticking around from the bottom of my paper mache heart fer realS...
Now before the year is over what do you want me to make for you for Xmas? I WOULD LOVE to have it be HSM but I've done all the work I can on it my friends... it's in Endika's hands now... there's nothing more I can do...
So what do you want me to do before Xmas? Another episode of Badassery? Video tutorials? Draw people Xmas cards again? Some other kinda random animation er somethin? Let me know and I'll do my best to make it happen!Brought to you by professional weirdo M dot Strange.