Technical Difficulties 0_o
This week has been a technical nightmare trying to get the FINISHED film exported/encoded/uploaded.... been trying since Monday and still trying now... I had to switch the film to a pre-order as some big press exposure is coming tomorrow and the film itself isn't online yet... so I'll be working all night baby sitting failing ftp uploads to try to make it so it will be available tomorrow... if not it will be a pre-order and when you buy it you'll automatically be sent a download link when the film is up... which should be within a day or two... unless everything continues to go wrong 0_o
As for some good news... the trailer will be live tomorrow... its NOT the usual trailer and I hope you find it interesting!
K I'm back to cursing at my software/hardware/ and internet connection! GAWD DAMNIT SHIT BASTARD ASS!!!!!!!Brought to you by professional weirdo M dot Strange.