These days “creatives” or “artists” or whatever talk too fucking much and don’t make quality things enough. With wastes of time like “Twitter” everyone is talking too much. Everyone wants you to know their stance/belief/where they are/what they ate etc etc. It’s a HUGE waste of time as these masses of digital cattle allow their time and attention to be carved up and sold/traded to data merchants.
Through not being brainwashed and having the confidence to not go along with the crowd I figured that shit out some time ago and decided to stop wasting my time with all this useless Web 2.0 nonsense.
Outside of a little making of texts and a few vids I’ve posted about “M doll” I didn’t say much. Why? Because I was busy actually working hard 0_0 Did you know that IS POSSIBLE?
If I work on my creative project for five minutes and don’t take ten minutes to construct a social media post about it did it really happen?
STFU AND MAKE - this is what I do. Its surprisingly effective for getting things done.
I know, I know the brainwashing says “but I need to post every five minutes for MARKETING and for NETWORKING to get work and make money”
All the time you spend hustling will help you grab human eyeballs for a few seconds BUT then what? Then its about the work. If it isn’t great then you will forever be living in desperation grinding for attention for your mediocre unoriginal work.
You will only make great and original work if you STFU AND MAKE.
I’m going to write a STFU AND MAKE book when I’m done with M doll btw.
Anyhow- the little bit of documentation I did for M doll can be found below.
I was updating the public github repo/wiki for M doll up until last month with production updates and the like here. You can go read that stuff if you are interested in learning how I got to where the film is now with 88 minutes of it completed.
You could also track my work through the use of the “Issues” tab as well there.
Here is the scene progress, as you can see there are only three more scenes left.
That right there is progress- that right there is shit GETTING DONE and its almost done. It’s really quite simple- put the time in any day you can, stay on it, work hard and you will get it done.
Is it perfect? No, and who the fuck cares anyway? Me? No! Some miserable people on the internet will care about the flaws but they are miserable people that haven’t accomplished anything with their lives that I care about so why would I care what they think? I don’t. Problem solved ^_^
THESE are the kind of lame ass maladjusted people who will criticize your animated films these days. Why would you care what people like that think? 0_0 That guy seriously disturbs me btw 0_0 That’s some creepy shit- its like Youtube monetization algo’s became a person- its like he’s a talking Patreon request- (* I only know that person exists because they reviewed a friends film years ago and it was shown to me. I find those youtube people highly disturbing.)
Back in the past filmmakers had to sort of care what the film critics of their day thought about their films because those reviews directly influenced box office sales etc. But nowadays it doesn’t matter how weird and bad the shit is that you’re making you can find an audience for it haha.
I work hard and try to make unique, original and good stuff myself… but yeah.
OMG he’s a “try hard”! Biiiiiiiiiitch why wouldn’t I try hard? If I don’t try hard I’ll end up as a do nothing bitch like you…. ohhhhh shiiiiit son!
Ignore the blathering idiots. Work hard everyday- Finish the work- move on to the next project and always do your best.