Stacking (8.5 x 11) Paper
So I now have three feature film scripts done and I should finish at least one more in the next two weeks... The one I'm starting now is a little horror film I hope to shoot here in Iceland this summer... I've been wanting to shoot a little no budget live action feature film ever since dem DSLR's got cheap so it seems I'll get my chance... Seems we got the location on lock and even a d00d on board as producer who will supply half naked humans to be slaughtered and more!
I'll have HSM news for you in a few weeks when I get back to Nor CaL and see what that crazy Endika guy has been up to in his studio... I'm hoping its really done this time and I'm sure yall are too ^_^
I've been going through a bunch of Zbrush tutorials focusing on upping my skills for the next serious project... as well as testing lip sync techniques and trying to work out technical issues for future projects as well... the world of 3d animation gets more and more exciting every week and I'm just trying to keep up working new techniques and processes into my workflow...
So I hope to have good HSM news for you in a few weeks... until then I'll keep developing new projects while trying to make myself a better Uberector...
I think the Forever Alone Filmmaking podcast is a pretty cool guy so check it out if you haven't yet.
Also I'm throwing around ideas about a motivational filmmaking book called "Stop acting like a bitch and make your fucking movie already"
But yeh I'm still here working in teh shadows in hopes that my new film will greet you in the near future and the following films will start to fall in front of yer face like dominoes...faster and faster...
ALSO if anybody else is in Iceland don't miss the IRON SKY screenings on the 13th! Imma go to the 22:00 one.... Check they site to see when/where it's playing in your country.
Brought to you by professional weirdo M dot Strange.