Something! better than nothing ^ ^
Since I do want to show yall some stuff from HSM but I really can't before its done because there isn't anything in the film that isn't totally new and original... I pretty much developed and created my own universe...with its own look, rules and way things work in a way... So as to not blow the whole surprise, or let someone else borrow it and claim it as they own new and unique style 0_o ... here's a tiny somethin... just a skeleton animation of the monster the main character is fighting right now... its a super quick, nothing fancy... just him trying to decapitate the hero
But that is my standard skeleton that ALL of the characters share... his neck and arms are elongated though ... but I used the same skeleton for all the characters because theres only one rig to learn how to animate AND I can share motion clips between ALL the characters... I can't enough about how AWESOME motion clips are in Cinema 4d... without them this film would take me 3 to 4 times as long to make... So yeh I made and rigged the main skeleton and than adjusted it to fit each character... worked perfectly!
So if there's any "under the hood" stuff you want me to show you from the film let me know!
Dave4096 asked a question about poly counts so let me post some of that stuff here...
Characters: From 40,000 to 80,000 polys for they bodies... the heads are separate objects from Zbrush sculpts... low res geometry with high res SPD maps... Low res they are like 3000 render time they are from 6 million to 12 million polys...
Sets: From 2 million to 20 million polys
%80 of the objects in the film were created in or modified in Zbrush.... You didn't know I could sculpt crazy shit did you! Well neither did I?! 0_o Zbrush and an Intuos4 allowed me to do so....
Most all textures were painted in Bodypaint... normal maps + generated by Crazybump.
The plugins I'm using in EVERY SHOT are Cactus Dan's Suite, SurfaceSpread, Zblur and Degamma.Brought to you by professional weirdo M dot Strange.