The shattered mirror
I just finished the storyboards for my next animated feature after HSM...
It has like 1,200 shots... HSM had like 1,600...WATS had like 700
I know you haven't seen HSM yet so yer like YEH WHATEVER... but its like done we just have to figure out how/when to release it so we make enough moneyS to make another film... but I have to keep it moving... I can't get caught being static while HSM is being released and all that... I need to keep working... I need to keep making films however I can...
This next film will be in a world similar to HSM with dolls... and things made of wood... and yeh a more organic vibe....
NOW I'm really nuts because I just finished the outline for the film after the next ^_^ And I'm starting on that screenplay now and I will finish it in the next 2 weeks... Its a VERY DARK will be like my cyber punk epic ^ ^
On a random note... you peeps that are into my stuff... ever had any "UFO" or "alien abduction" experiences? Or any recurring nightmares when you were a kid? I'm just curious....
Brought to you by professional weirdo M dot Strange.