Severing my own strings?
I hit a low point lately... the lowest point was the other night when I was puking and crying my eyes out apologizing to Endika for failing him with the film... claiming to "want to die" COUGH.... thankfully I'm not dead... but yeh... I sort of lost sight of myself and why I do what I do in the past month or so... Since he and I are partners in the film I wanted to be able to write a fat check for him so I didn't feel like I wasted years of his life with my ridiculous little movies... since the check I wrote wasn't awe inspiring, with this months even smaller... I felt like I failed...
I wanted to be able to tell you all how my digital distribution plan worked great and share it with you...but $2800 profit in over a month and a half isn't like awe inspiring haha... maybe someone else can figure it out and let me know what I'm doing wrong... I even made this site for yall but up till now have been too embarrassed to share it...
I forgot that out here on the internets I'm not alone... we're all here together...and we need to work together ^_^
I do what I do because of passion... and I must never forget that... if you're able to do what you love everyday you have nothing to feel down or bad about unless you want to be a spoiled little bitch... I don't want to be a spoiled little bitch... so imma dust myself off and get back on my path...
My path wherein I create out of passion for the people out there who enjoy the things I create...
Some other notes on my last meeting with Endika before the puking and crying COUGH...
We decided to not make another feature film next... as a few of you have also recommended in the comments we're going to do an animated series...
So looks like God Lives Underwater will be on hold... I have another sci-fi feature script that has to do with aliens in a post apocalyptic future so I'll be converting that over to a series... we're thinking 10 minutes each... with the best production value I can do so it won't look crappy like Badassery or Darksided ^ ^ Shooting for October/November release for the first episode... then monthly after that.
Does 10 minutes of new strange animation a month sound good to you? Its a dark sci-fi animated series... really twisted stuff with a dope hero and creepy as fuck villain of course ^_^ And ALIENS... a few of you might know that I'm quite knowledgeable with the whole Aliens/Conspiracy stuff so I'm putting all that to use as a mythology base in the script.Brought to you by professional weirdo M dot Strange.