Selling downloads of your film on your own part 3
So now that I've heard back from E-Junkie and Dpd it sounds like Dpd is the best choice right now... Here is what they had to say about my concerns in regard to large file sizes...
DPD has no problems delivering files of any size (Amazon S3 does have a hard limit of 5GB per file, but we cache huge files like that locally). The real problem you're going to have is older computers opening zip files that are greater than 4GB in size. Windows XP, for example, can't open zip files that large- it will just lock them up
A better solution, since you will more than likely have to get a plan with more product slots than you need for the storage space, is create a bundled product that contains the standalone video (avi or mp4 or whatever) + a zip that contains the extras. Something like this would use 3 product slots- one for the video product, one for the extras product, and the bundled product, but would eliminate the issues with extremely large zip files. The benefit would be that your customers purchase one product (the bundle) and on their delivery page they will have a link to download the video, and a separate link to download the extras.
So the nice guy from dpd answered my questions, dropped some knowledge bout XP and came up with a great workaround so I'm most likely going to sign up with them to sell HSM online. I also checked out Fetchapp and emailed them... looks pretty tite but they don't have their own shopping cart... you have to use paypal's or whatever other payment system's cart. Dpd gives the customer the option of Paypal or Google Checkout.
Dpd seems like a great all in one solution at a great price. So all you do is set up an account...Upload your files... create your products... copy the button code and paste it on your site or where ever else...looks simple and professional too.
Brought to you by professional weirdo M dot Strange.