Only 200 more shots+ Shoulder ChipS
So I just finished compositing the biggest and most complex sequence of the film which happens to be the one with the most decapitations ^_^ and hopefully its the one where you go OOOOHHHHMYYYYYYYGAWWWWWAAAAAYYYDDDDD while yer watching it....
So now I've composited 1400 of the 1600 you can see its getting close to being done...
The renders are still like a week behind my work but that's no big deal...
The 22 rendered sequences take up about 800 gig's on disk.... when its all rendered should be around 1.4 tb's... as long as it will fit on a 2tb disk it's fine...
Of course since my work is my life I worked through Xmas and New Years as I have nothing really to celebrate on those occasions BUT I will celebrate somehow when the entire film is finished and locked... maybe I'll drink A BEER ^ ^ OR I'll be like my new role model Tezuka Osamu and just get right back to work on my next project... I'm really looking forward to my next challenge... A CHALLENGER APPEARS...
Speaking of challengers....
So I guess I have a chip on my shoulder because a lot of my motivation comes from this "I'LL SHOW YOU BASTARDS" attitude I have... Whenever I've been doubted by anybody in my life a voice inside my head goes "We'll show them!!!" and then I set out to do it... and I usually do... As long as you keep at long as you stay dedicated and keep grinding to learn and grow and get better you'll outlive and out distance all who doubt you over you will be doing D.amage O.ver T.ime... M.ega D.amage O.ver T.ime that is!
For a long time I had this thing... because when I was about 12... I was really short and overweight and got bullied by bigger kids... so I had this thing where I thought people saw me as being weak... so then I joined Gold's Gym at 15 and by 20 I weighed like 230 pounds and my arms where bigger than my legs are now my "I'll show you bastards" thing kinda went overboard there and that lasted until my last year in college and I had this tennis class and I got pissed cause everyone beat me cause I was too musclebound and slow haha
Also since I pretty much dropped out of full time school at age 8... and never graduated from middle school or high school... I had this thing where I thought people looked at me like I was stupid as I worked some hard labor jobs and usually people assume yer a dumb meat head if you do that... So I was in a big hurry to finish college and get my Bachelors which I did..its not like I went to Harvard or anything haha but it was an important thing for me to do as once you allow people's negative view on you to enter slowly starts eating away at you and you become it lest you fight back against it...
When I made my first SERIOUS 0_o sci fi film at 19 or so... I sent it to this random film fest I found in Videomaker magazine as there was no youtube then and like no way to get anybody to see your stuff... and of course they rejected it based on all these technical merits since I had a crap camera and edited it with two Vcr's and a lil Dj mixer with Mixman Studio for foley... so feeling slighted again I set out to be the best GAWD DAMN filmmaker I could be... and grinded for years and years...and I still grind...
In more recent times... when I took WATS to Sundance all these dead bastards with close minds hated on it ...and became a thing for the normal people there to talk about how many people walked out of it and how it was not accepted by the mediocre middle... like that is everyone's goal or something...BUT anyway I felt slighted again... So I set out to make something so awesome it would cause all those h8tin bastards to STFU FOREVER ^ ^
NOW that isn't my only motivation BUT when things start to get rough and you start to feel wimpy its a good motivator for me....
ALSO something else that motivates me is... I know that when I'm procrastinating and slacking off there's someone else...somewhere else in the world doing the exact same thing I'm trying to do... my competition.... and when I'm sleeping they are working! If I'm doing some dumb shit they are getting better and my competitive edge won't let that be so I must work harder then them!!!
Cause the world is a big place and we now compete on the global stage... so odds are there's someone else doing the same thing you are doing or planning on doing somewhere else in the world so you better just BUST and beat them!
It's easy to get all full of yourself if your the only person like you in your school, or town...or even country that does what you do BUT I guarantee you there's someone else out there in the world to challenge you... if your into 3d animation just look to Supinfocom in France..they kick out amazing 3d animators every year.... the competition is only getting better and faster... so will you make the necessary sacrifices and apply the necessary dedication to keep up or will you fall behind? It's up to you...Brought to you by professional weirdo M dot Strange.