Nobody's dancinG
In a time a numbness...where people self medicate to avoid feeling anything...and in an age where people trade freedom for "security".... NOW when someone really speaks out or acts out of PASSION they are called "crazy"... simply because it is so rare these days... but human's were not always so passive and numbed... they were once ACTIVE and BOLD... and the passion that is now called "crazy" used to just be the behavior of someone who embraced and LOVED life... but now it seems humans are AFRAID of LIFE... yeh its really DIFFICULT to truly LIVE and its really EASY to people choose a slow DEATH instead of taking the risks required to really be ALIVE...
If you stand up and fight for your rights the xombies call you "crazy"
If you get up and dance the xombies call you "crazy"
If you are really alive and act accordingly the xombies call you "crazy"
My new film touches on this...
"LAY DOWN AND DIE" yeh it really is that EASY! Do not resist anything! Accept everything that comes to you! Don't ever try or make any effort! Accept the status quo and never challenge it! Sounds easy right! It is... that's why when I walk down the street I see XOMBIES and not living humans...
Living is painful and scary... BUT if you brave life you stand to reap its greatest rewards! Something that can never be bought or attained through external means... a feeling of absolute joy, excitement, happiness and freedom!
All these humans buy into the Xombie life plan... they give in to the fear... die inside... then become Xombies... then when they are like "SECURE" they try to buy "FREEDOM" these Xombies try to BUY A LIFE... they try to BUY a FEELING... they try to BUY joy, love, happiness.... BUT YOU CAN'T BUY IT! ITS A BIG FUCKING SHAM! They realized they've been ripped off then here come the MED'S!!!!
Why did you want to take the training wheels off your bicycle? Because you wanted the full REAL experience of riding your bicycle right? Also the training wheels prevented you from going certain places... what training wheels do people use to prevent themselves from being ALIVE?
It's a fear of LIFE that is killing people slowly from the inside...
I say be BOLD, act a FOOL, follow your HEART, try, fail and try again! There's nothing to FEAR except perhaps a bruise on your ego and there's always the RISK that you might actually FEEL ALIVE?!? OMG?! NOT THAT?!?!
Bird's don't belong in cages and neither does what makes us, us.
We've all got dragons to slay... and ya know that dragon is NEVER as dangerous as you've convinced yourself it is... so run at it and swing your might surprise yourself and actually slay it! Another dragon will always pop up down the path but now with your new might and courage you'll just charge headfirst and slay them all and BE ALIVE!
Then you'll start dancing ^_^Brought to you by professional weirdo M dot Strange.