No more games kids + comp progress+ fake artists
This blog's comments section and my email box are not a playground for irrelevant cypher's and attempts at creating internetS drama. Filmmaking is SERIOUS BUSINESS ^ ^ So I prefer to spend my time and energy doing that... and I'm sure most people would like me to do that instead of getting emails and going wha?! huh?! for like 5 minutes....
Soooooo there's only like 100 more shots to composite! So if I go nuts I could finish it tomorrow OR the next day if there's a lot of tweaking to be done... BUT it's going to be great to have it all rendered and put on a backup drive and placed in a safe deposit box so I can sleep at night 0_0 I'm always like WHAT IF?!?!? as its kinda scary when a few years of yer life are sitting on some hard drives...
So as I'll start editing soon... a new phase so I'm like OH yeh gotta get back into editing, read some books and the like... but reading about editing is like reading about dancing... its all about the feel and the rhythm so I'll just trust my instincts and let the music guide me... SPEAKING of that Endika is supposed to give me the first chunks of music starting on the 10th... I can't wait to hear the amazing stuff he's created in his secret lab...
Whenever we meet up now we talk about everything BUT the film... its like after a year or so we came to this understanding and we're totally on the same page in regard to the film... it involves a lot of faith and trust...something I don't put in very many people... but I've put all my trust and a ton of faith into him because I KNOW what he's capable of doing...
I've constantly been let down by other people calling themselves "artists" or whatever.... which is why I work alone with a bunch of computers... I understand its difficult for people to get over themselves and make it about the work especially today in the ME ME ME world of Facebook and the like...
If your an artist... its NOT about US its about the WORK... I know that contradicts todays world that tells you ITS ALL ABOUT YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS ON FACEBOOK BECAUSE YER SO KEWL.....its not about how I FEEL or YOU FEEL its about the WORK and what it expresses... your thoughts and feelings are NOT your ART... its not about what you express or how you express it... you can scream and cry and cut yourself all you want that doesn't make you any more creative or interesting to the world who is seeking out art... it just gives you an excuse NOT to make work....
Why are artists stereotyped to be like self destructive drug addict freaks? There are people like that BUT they are not artists... their just wannabe's...they couldn't hack it making the work so now they have a great excuse not to... and a dramatic sob story to go along with it... I've found the people who are the most dramatic in real life FAIL when it comes to art because they get in the way of the creation... creating everyday is a job like any other... you can get a ton of tattoo's and piercings and cool hair, have unprotected sex with homeless people on your desk and smoke meth with gangsters but your still never be .00000001 as awesome as this guy ^ ^
Tezuka OsamuIt's about the WORK that you COMPLETE... Tezuka drew manga 18 hours a day for like 30 years straight... his last words were "please let me work I beg you!" That's a real ARTIST right there!
I've been able to complete the things that I've done so far because I put all my time into my work... and I'm not going to change that...
No more games its time to WORK... Real life/Internet drama seems like a great excuse to not do what your supposed to be doing but in the end it just wastes your time and life... So if your just in it for the drama quit pretending to be an artist and go get a reality show or something else more suitable...
I make work and I want to help other's make work... there's plenty of other blogs to comment on and tons of other people to contact if your looking for drama... but this blog isn't the place and I am NOT that person.
I'd like to hear your thoughts/comments/recommendations on the subject... please let me know why you read this blog so I know if I'm crazy or not...thanks!Brought to you by professional weirdo M dot Strange.