The next movie ^_^
I know! I know! Yer probably waiting for HEART STRING MARIONETTE! As soon as I get the rest of the music I will finish it...... all the work I can do on it is done... so instead of just waiting... I've been working on the script for my next animated feature amongst other things... I'm halfway through the script... this time I didn't outline ferever and make mindmaps like a psycho because on HSM I ended up not using any of that stuff 0_o
So I outlined for a few days then I got to writing the script.... its VERY dark and very sad so far... I've forced myself to add 10 pages to the script everyday so the first rough draft will be done very soon... I've found that you can try and THINK your way into making a character and a situation in a script BUT until you start writing scenes it doesn't happen... then while writing the characters start to get a life of their own and tell you who they are THEN you go back through the script and update their dialogue actions to reflect the true characters...
I'm already excited to start modeling characters and the like BUT from experience I know I MUST go through proper pre-pro before I start messing with that stuff... its ok to draw some concept art but you can't get hung up on it or fall in love with it so early in the process...
Writing is fun... after feeling like I'm DYING while waiting to finish HSM... writing has made me feel alive again... well just a little bit 0_o As I still want to FINALIZE HSM more than anything 0_0
Thanks to all the people who donated to the BADASSERY kickstarter campaign! There like 26 days left to it... Whether it gets funded or not has no bearing on HSM... if it does get funded you'll see some new animation by me in the meantime.... if it doesn't I'll just keep writing ^ ^
The blog here has also been simplified and re-organized by this blog's ruthless editorial staff ^_^ and I added some galleries of stuff that you might have not seen before.
Making your own films is like getting lost in a dream... dreams of your it really is living your dreams... so no matter what happens I feel extremely lucky to have lived in my own dreams for so long.... and even if no one watches anything I make... I'll still fight for my dreams... fight against "reality"...... cue related song haha
<p><a href="">Reality by M dot Strange</a></p>Brought to you by professional weirdo M dot Strange.