M doll is "in the can" as they say
I just finished rendering the last shot of the 1 hour 55 minute film
M doll is certainly my strangest feature film 0_0 I didn’t hold back on this one ^_^
The visual part of M doll is now complete- Its the best looking and best “animated” film I’ve ever made- I added the ““ because I didn’t animate any character stuff really- from being an animator I know what I want and what looks good- I just used pre-made animations and tweaked/combined them to get what I wanted- its IDGAF Filmmaking-
It felt good to tick off the final tasks in Git Kraken
The film took me 89 days of production to complete
I averaged 1.29 minutes of finished/rendered film per day
The slowest sequence had me at 0.92 minutes/day
The fastest one had me at 2.39 minutes/day
M doll is the first animated feature film made entirely in the Unity game engine
Nobody knows I exist, really- nobody knows about the film outside of a small handful of people- but I don’t care-
My work probably won’t be “discovered” by pretentious art/film douchebags until after I’m dead- but I don’t care about that either haha-
I’ve had so many people tell me “your work belongs in X modern art gallery” blah blah blah- I guess I was supposed to kiss their asses or pretend to care what they think to make that happen but I didn’t because I’M MAKING THINGS HERE MAAAAAAN 😂
I’m not here to make shiny things and stand around and admire them- I’m not here to try and impress people or to try to get attention- I’m playing an entirely different game-
I don’t give a fuck about fame or followers or whatever - I don’t care about film festivals or movie studios or talent agencies or any of that nonsense-
I’m not trying to sell this film to Netflix or Amazon or whatever- I don’t give a shit about any of those lame ass platforms
I stand for and represent IMAGINATION- the power of IMAGINATION to create high quality ORIGINAL works with high technology faster and cheaper than anyone else on the planet 😝
Thanks to my dude Brad for building the PC I made M doll with- it tore through the scenes and renders-
Now imma go play a game of Nuclear Throne to end my work day-
Tomorrow I’ll do a pass fixing mistakes in a few shots that bugged me-
Next week I’m going to watch the film on my projector and make notes on the composition as I might redo some shots that need more work for the big screen-
When you design on a small screen(computer monitor) you tend to frame things too tightly- watching it on a bigger screen for the first time always feels like the shots are too tight-
The strange show of imagination rolls on 😆
Ah good!! It super great to know. Curious about the process behind the making of. And feels good man to find people like you that make stuff with imagination rather for likes and shit.