It's NOT the last film you'll ever makE
When working on a film... or a big project that you really care about... or it even applies when choosing a major if you go to college...
You feel a big pressure because you believe the decision in question will dictate the direction or outcome of your entire life...
For example.... right now I'm storyboarding my next film and I feel a pressure to make the most amazing visual storytelling sequences EVER?!? Now I feel that pressure but I tell myself "I'll do my best right now... if its not the "best ever" I'll try again next film because this ISN'T the last film I'll ever make"
Unless you QUIT you're going to get another crack at whatever it is you're doing... you can always make another film... create another song... make another painting... you can always go back to school and get a different degree...
The status quo LOVES to LIE to you and fool you into believing the decisions you're making are FOREVER... what the fuck does "forever" mean anyway? So when people get married they're supposed to be together "forever" right? I seem to recall seeing a fair number of divorces ^ ^
Status Quoitians... that is, human zombies who are slaves to the status quo and FIGHT to uphold it no matter what LOVE to tell you things like "You can't do this forever" or "This won't last forever" etc...
The status quo is collapsing around us and these zombies are still talking about "forever" haha
So do what you do... and do your best... YES you will make mistakes... learn from them and try not to repeat them in the future... whatever you're doing its probably NOT going to be FOREVER so why treat it as such?
So maybe your current film isn't the most amazing thing ever... WHO CARES!!! Maybe the painting you made isn't the best thing ever? WHO CARES!!! Just have fun and get it done and do it better next time.
I know a lot of "perfectionists" ... NOW since NOTHING is perfect if you pursue perfection in your work... or will only consider something finished when it is perfect... that means you will NEVER EVER finish anything!
Never completing anything... THAT is something you'll have to live with FOREVER... when you die all your works in progress will die as well.
Brought to you by professional weirdo M dot Strange.