HSM book topic requests?
So YEH I'm REALLY making a book RIGHT NOW...I will finish it and make it available as soon as its done..scheduled before the end of the month... So let me know what you want covered in this book! I'll write about anything you want so let me know! I can even do a question and answer section where I'll answer your questions in depth in the book er somethin...
I'm covering the art and philosophy of the film... making of the film and my style of film production in general... stuff about the characters and sets... a chapter about UberectinG... a chapter about the films new style... with tons of concept art...my psycho drawings and stuff from my sketchbooks...test renders...stuff like that...
So if were to buy my book what would you hope to be in it! Let me know and I'll make sure to include it!
You can add your questions here! Thanks!
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