How to learn
Ask questions
Ask other humans questions especially if they have experience in the field/area you are learning about
*Even if they don't have experience in the same area if they are an expert/have a lot of experience in ANY area you can ask them questions about how they do things which can help you in your area
Ask search engine's questions through queries- "how to do x" filter through the results and pull out and read the best material
I'm always asking people questions- every time I encounter a person who is experienced in an area I know nothing/not much about I ask them questions about their workflow and how they do things-
Read a lot
When I want to learn something new I search out the highest reviewed books in the area and buy/read them- even old books can be really helpful
Find the best articles online on the subject and read them all
*READ in depth sources, not just click-baity articles that don't go in depth- you want an IN DEPTH understanding not a bite sized click bait trivial understanding
Watch good presentations/tutorials made by people who are doing what you want to do
There's a million youtube videos out there made by people who have no valid experience on the subjects they are discussing- AVOID THESE-
*Example for game dev- GDC talk by game developer who made a game you like vs. Youtube persons tutorial who hasn't made any games
*If you are not willing to watch a GOOD 45 minute video you don't have what it takes to learn
Focus on and BECOME the subject you are trying to learn
Become obsessed and make the subject fill your thoughts
You see the subject in everything
You talk about the subject with everyone you know
Become a human sponge for the subject
Brought to you by professional weirdo M dot Strange.