The home for solo animated feature films?
Ya know I used to visit the Terrence Walker's site to keep up on tools and techniques for solo animators doing longer form projects but he quit blogging years back and now I'm wondering where would a person go to get information about how to create cg animated feature films alone...
I know two other d00ds who have made or are finishing up animated feature films alone... Jeff Lew wif his notorious KIller Bean and Dave4096 and his forthcoming "Archon Defender" Oh yeh I forgot about my paL John Bergin and his "From inside"
Are there any other people out there doing solo 3d animated feature films? I know the mega hardcore Bill Plympton has been kicking out solo 2d features for years...he's amazing.... but yeh any other 3d people out there doing features?
The reason I'm asking is that I think to help others do the same.... we, the psychopaths who have done should share our process and techniques with you so you don't make the mistakes we did.... So yeh please post some links in the comments if you know of anyone else so I can contact them and make a place for all the info.
If your an animator and thinking of jumping into the feature and a little scared watch this videoBrought to you by professional weirdo M dot Strange.