Heart String Marionette will be released June 15th
I just got back from a meeting with Endika and we set that date...so come rain or shine or whatever... you will be able to get Heart String Marionette on June 15th by immediate download for $5 for the 720p version of the movie + the soundtrack... there will also be a deluxe edition with the 1080p + more that will be priced a bit higher...
We decided that it is the best way to get the movie out to YOU... the people that have been waiting forever... we will release a DVD + digital versions in all the usual places at a later date...
Right now I'm working on the making-of documentary that will be included with the deluxe edition... please let me know what you would like to be included in it... we're also going to be launching a little forum for discussion and collaboration to subtitle the film in different languages and maybe even dub it in different languages... and where musicians can collaborate on alternative soundtracks for the film...
For the film's site where it'll be sold I'm just going to do it myself super simple like... using a blogger site, E-Junkie, and Amazon s3... if anyone out there is super savvy with that stuff and wants to give me a hand feel free to holla at me... my email is on the contact page of this blog...
I'm also working on the official trailer now....So when you see the official trailer for the film you'll be able to buy the film ^_^ I've seen a bunch of trailers recently wherein people were leaving comments about wanting to buy the movie right then.... but like they couldn't 0_o So my thinking is this... if someone is excited by that initial exposure they should be able to buy it instantly...IMPULSE BUY! ^_^
It's going to make us SO HAPPY so finally share this thing with you...
Thank you for your support and patience from me M dot Strange and my homie Endika.
Brought to you by professional weirdo M dot Strange.