I don’t have or use Twitter or Instagram or any of those social apps. I don’t karma whore on reddit or whatever. I use Youtube but I don’t monetize anything or make thumbnails with my open mouth and crazed eyes to appeal to 8 year olds…
So… I create in obscurity. All of the aforementioned platforms have been fully gamified in that if you want your post/work/etc to get any attention you have to play the game. If you don’t play the game your posts/etc remain obscure.
I am a one man animated feature film studio and more but my work is never mentioned in any online “animation” magazines/sites etc even though it is unique and of high quality. Why? Because I don’t play the game. I’m not kissing people’s asses or pretending to be people’s friends. I’m not posting the same thing a million times or tryna shove ad’s in your face.
I’ve posted my trailers/work to online communities that are supposed(according to their descriptions) promote work like my own but the posts languish in obscurity.
Why? because I don’t play the game.
In the oldish world of promotion you paid a “publicist” $25k so they could tell their influential friends that you are “cool” and then those gatekeeper friends would let you in some gates. I never hired a publicist because I think that whole thing is- as to say in 2010 youtube speak “fake and gay”. So my work remains obscure.
Nowadays you have to dump a bunch of money on ad’s or pay “influencers” to get publicity. But what if you don’t care about publicity? Well then- you’re good.
I let go of the notion that my creative work would “make me a living” a long time ago and instead focused on other things to make money- that was one of the best decisions I ever made.
So the normal route of an “independent” filmmaker would be to send your film to festivals(gatekeepers) and hope they think its cool(%99 of the festival people are lame as fuck) and let you in the gate. They charge people money to watch your film and make money from it and you do not. This is all done in hopes that another type of gate keeper(distributor,studio) will see it and give you money and fame etc.
Now, the route we’re taking is to say fuck all these lame ass film festivals as they don’t deserve to screen our work as their festivals are mediocrity fests pandering to political “causes” and other nonsense that no one in 100 years will give a fuck about.
Through all the film festivals I attended through the years ONLY ONE was legit in the way they did things- the Waterloo Festival of Animation which was pretty much a one man show run by Joseph Chen- Joseph was a successful guy that loved animation so he created and ran an awesome festival- he ignored the popularity contests and didn’t suck the life out of it with sponsor messages and all that- there was none of that-
Everything gets ruined out here because people want infinite growth- more money! more fame! more partnerships! bigger reach! No one stops and says- we’re good now, let’s keep the integrity of this thing intact- NOPE- compromise the values, sell out, betray the users/fans- take the money and run- then do it again and again-
Millions! Billions! Trillions! More, more, more!
The ONLY thing I’ve seen in my time here that has not allowed itself to be compromised by the legacy rot are some cryptocurrency projects- mainly Ethereum and some projects built on Ethereum. Ethereum, created by and led by Lord Vitalik is a beacon of hope and inspiration for me.
So when I talk about all these legacy things dying- they will be replaced by new things built on Ethereum- the middlemen/gatekeepers will be DELETED and obscure creators like myself IF we are doing good work will be given a fair shot at getting our work in front of people + in the new systems we, as nobodies might be able to actually make a living from our work too!
You’ve probably seen/heard about the NFT art craze- it’s mostly just another popularity contest right now but it will get better.
Anyhow- back to film festivaly things-
I’m over here trying to create original animated masterpieces and the big film festivals/indie film/animation sites etc are busy promoting films that say inane shit like “Russia is bad” or glorified reality shows about boring ass people masquerading as documentaries- they retarded son. Here’s a shitty film BUT it was made by a trans-dwarf-refugee from space- who gives a fuck! It’s about the work! Not who made it and/or how.
BUT no one thinks about the future- they are all so temporal lost in screaming as loud as they can, whoring themselves out to where ever the money is coming from or whatever will give them the most views/likes/subs while their soul dies.
So anyway, I still like real life in person film screenings. So, what do film festivals do? They rent venue’s and screen films in them. For our new film “M doll” Imagination Rabbit will rent venue’s and screen our film for free. Why? Because we are playing an entirely different game.
All these centralized structures will fall in time and be replaced with decentralized ones.
But mister! Don’t you want more likes and faves?! More subs and followers?! NO, fuck all that nonsense. My family and friends like me, my wife likes me, my cat likes me and a few people out in the world appreciate my work- that’s good enough for me.
I’m not a megalomaniac or a narcissist so I don’t need that nonsense. I have real self confidence so I don’t need gatekeeperish attention to make me feel good or important or whatever. Build yourself, build your skills, be a good person, help people achieve their dreams when you can and you can build real confidence and meaning to your life regardless of the number of your subs or likes or whatever.
Out here it seems to me that most everyone is living in an illusion- they work in tech and talking about “communities” and “making people more connected” blah blah but you say hello to one of them on the street and they shit themselves. IMO the norm here in Silicon Valley is for people to be socially retarded yet the world is letting these people dictate human behavior 0_0
Wasn’t this post supposed to be about happiness in obscurity?
I yell a lot in text but I am happy and excited about the future with Imagination Rabbit ^_^
If you have any requests in regard to things you’d like to see us do etc- leave a comment.
The only request I would like to make is that you continue being you and being true to yourself. Looking forward to all of your future content!
Word. I tend to think similar to a bunch of thing you say. I'm in engineering so it's full of people that love math and technical analysis. Of course there's the business aspect, but I treat it like a challenge. So because most people are technical (not emotional) the ego is usually left at the door. One thing I was thinking of was a weird workout video or nutrition guide. Kinda like a weird p90x or insanity video. Lol. That p90x guy is already weird. Loves his potato soup (look up on u toob). But anyways that would be a interesting side project. I hope the crypto gods have been well to you. I just hope there are more realized uses for eth coming out. Right now I like brave but I don't see much other significant uses at the moment. I kinda want to use it. Not just hodl or just buy sell buy sell. I guess there's valora for the venmo type app.