Finally decided on book
Even though I've been too busy to return the query letter to the publisher that was interested in me doing a book for them 0_0 I'm going to do a book and figure out how to release it when its done... but yeh I've decided that the best thing I could right now is to make a guide to making solo animated cg feature films... because there is no book for that... I'll release the book when HSM comes out so then I'll have made 2 animated cg features alone using my process which I will share in the book... It will be both technical and motivational/philosophical... think of a mix between "Rebel without a crew" and "The war of art"... So yeh thats what I'm gonna do... I'll interview the other people that have made solo animated feature films as well and put them in the book... My goal with the book is to turn you into an unstoppable one man army animator ^ ^ I will share all my techniques and tactics...
Y0 Thorgin! I just posted the complete c4d/Zbrush vid ^ ^Brought to you by professional weirdo M dot Strange.