Do you really want to be pwned by these guys?
Ya know I get a lot of " you should make movies for Hollywood" comments from well meaning but unknowing peoples... Well once you sign a contract ANY of the cogs in the system your pretty much owned by one of these old men... Pictured are Sumner Redstone and Rupert Murdoch... two "media moguls"... Americans responsible for turning popular media into the TRASH it is today and subsequently eroding American values and the minds of all of its citizens...just to make a buck..yeah///
So the people in the Hollywood system can PRETEND to be all edgy or whatever but in the end they are OWNED by these old men... They cannot do anything without the approval of old men like these... yeh sounds great 0_0
They push they warped values and distorted ideas on the world...and everyone bows down to them as they slaves just to make a buck... maybe your a slave to them? How does it feel? Is it great? I mean your "successful" you probably own a nice haus and car and wife and have children just like the ones raised in the Disney labs? Your probably an "important" person right? They let you in those "VIP" areas yes? Thats right you've MADE IT! You've made it right into the pig pen with the rest of the bloated swine... enjoy rolling in your own waste... perpetuating your own myths and legends onto a mostly unknowing numbed populace... bUT KNOW THIS... there are some desperate people watching you... we are watching you... you grow richer and more "powerful" in a paper money business sense... but in this new online world you grow weaker and more ignorant... you continue to step on our toes and wave your fingers at us unable to see that your empire is crumbling... soon there will be nothing to shield YOU from US... does that make you comfortable?
The "media" became what it is now because these old bastards were able to control it all print, tv etc.... The internet is out of their control... at least it is until they try to regulate, segregate and censor it... now everything I've written so far was metaphorical eh... but if they fawk with the interwebs its time to RIOT... that is IF anyone out there has any GUTS...mass media has done a great job turning people into slaves who quiver in the face of any "authority" figure... research "power to the people" about what happened in San Francisco in the 1960's.... people of all races and cultures came together, celebrated they differences and stood against they common enemy... and the system shook in its boots.... I will live to see it shake in its boots again... I know this... but this time the people won't take the free LSD and waste they minds away...
Ooops that was quite an insane rant wasn't it ^ ^ Here's the old guy I work with...
Brought to you by professional weirdo M dot Strange.