chatGPT is amazingly useful while also being dumber than a word processor
I'm late to using it and thoroughly disappointed
ChatGPT learned the simple dialogue template language I use in Nightmare Puppeteer and created new original templates in a few seconds…which was awesome…
BUT then I started to notice some strange things…
I wanted to have chatGPT analyze a .srt(movie subtitle file) file so I could use it to train chatGPT to “direct” shows in Nightmare Puppeteer- I wanted to feed it the .srt file from the film “The Shining” so I asked it how I could do that…
I thought this was great- it was able to analyze the .srt and give me information about it… this was amazing… I could use this to do so many cool things…
Then I asked to tell me how many times a word appeared in the .srt file- the word here does not matter as its just a word… it told me it couldn’t look it up because hate speech/wrong think etc
First, who is to be offended here? Me? The paying customer who asked for the word to be counted or is chatGPT going to be offended? I was really confused-
And as you see I asked for another word to be counted and NOW it claimed it couldn’t access “external resources when it had done just that minutes before?!
THEN it claimed it didn’t have access to the internet or external files at all AFTER it told me how to give it access to an external file on the internet… this ai is REALLY bad at lying haha.
So yeh it does all this fancy shit but it can’t even count words in a file which any word processor has been able to do for 20+ years- and the word processors don’t need a GPU farm to not count words in a file than lie to you about being able to access files haha.
ChatGPT is really smart and also a complete moron all at the same time. WORSE THAN that it’s a complete moron at times and GASLIGHTS you. “I can’t access files” etc
Anyway- I cancelled my subscription and sent some feedback to OpenAi about chatGPT’s idiocy’s. They won’t care but I did it anyway.
The way things are going the only way we’ll get anything good is if it released as a local version like Stable Diffusion or some cloud version where you pay with crypto to use it as the wicked west uses its powers to block/sanction/blacklist anything that threatens its retarded wickedness… and yes- words threaten that… thats how weak it is today.
EVERYTHING IS NEW() AND EMPTY[] including chatGPT and all the other techno-trash being spewed out by the status quo- its all lame as [*].
*Addendum- I thought it was just me when I noticed that when I asked chatGPT for say 10 examples it would never give me the number I was asking for- reading more about it- it seems its also horrible at counting haha. It also randomly cuts off answers and when its generating code that’s no GUD.
Only the government can use AI maliciously.