About replay value
I was thinking about replay value... ya know how we can listen to the same music over and over... replay the same game over and over... yet with film it seems MOST of the time we only want to experience it once...
I think it is all about MOOD... we like music because it sets a certain tone or mood which we enjoy being in... same with a game... I enjoyed the mood that Resident Evil 2,3 and 4 set so I played them over and over like way too much ^ ^ but most films I only want to watch once... why is that? What do some films have that others do not?
I've watched ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK numerous times as well as VAMPIRE HUNTER D: BLOODLUST...Why? I thought about that myself and it's because I like the mood....
MOST films are a chain of cause and effect events... that does not create mood... Some films are like card tricks and once you see how the trick was done you don't want to see the trick again... think INCEPTION or MEMENTO... I liked those films but I have no desire to ever watch them again...
So think about MOOD... I read all the screenwriting books I could find by the supposed "experts" who have never written any amazing scripts that became great films strangely enough ^ ^ BUT there was nothing about MOOD in those books.... just gimmicks and reverse engineered process to create these chains of cause and effect....
NOW I think IF you can create a film that has the same replay value like music or games... you might be onto something ^ ^ Because once people have seen through your few card tricks what reason do they have to stick around?Brought to you by professional weirdo M dot Strange.